I offer short term support for a range of IT-related challenges like
- hands-on support for coding, re-factoring, and architecture work
- initial project development/architecture
- technology and knowledge transfer for internal developers
I provide my own development lab infrastructure (Jenkins, Git/Hub, PC and RasPi network) for external projects.
Specialist knowledge
- TCP/IP network development (eg. Berkeley Sockets)
- Ethernet, WLan/WiFi, Bluetooth, serial
- Forensic investigation tools development
- Protocol implementation (by specs and/or reverse engineering)
- Cross-compiling tool chains
- Low level debugging (eg. GDB)
- DBMS (eg. SQL, stored procedures)
Professional software engineering
- Embedded, middleware, and operating system development
- Database and visualisation (mainly web based)
- Coding, trouble-shooting and testing
- IT architecture, network design, programming lead
- Deployment, DevOp, SysOp, and training
For discussing a particular project idea, please get in touch or drop me a message.