DISCLAIMER: PROOF-OF-CONCEPT TOOL, NOT FOR PRODUCTION (USE AT OWN RISK). Secure PAN scanner tool set --------------------------- This PAN scanner tool set consists of two programmes: deadpan -- the PAN scanner (a directory walker) dprep -- a report extractor where the scanner produces an encrypted report that can only be decoded/decrypted by the report generator. How it works: deadpan: Deadpan walks the file system while scanning files for PANs. Deadpan produces an encrypted scan journal which cannot be decrypted by deadpan because it has the 'public key' only (for technology details see www.mjh-it.com/repo/nim/latest/crypto.) By design, reports are safe regarding confidentiality (eg. PANs, see PCI DSS). dprep: Dprep reads the encrypted journal produced by *deadpan*: it comes with a built-in private encryption key. Dprep prints a scan report. Examples: deadpan -o- . | dprep # prints report when done deadpan -o journal.txt # create an encrypted journal dprep journal.txt # print a report from the journal Options: Try the help option --help for either command dprep or deadpan. See also http://www.mjh-it.com/pool/deadpan for more information. -- jordan